What is chest physiotherapy:Purpose,Types, Contraindications and More...
What is chest physiotherapy Chest physiotherapy is a group of physical techniques which includes vibration,percussion, deep breathing and coughing that improve lungs function and help you feel better.It is the only one method to treat respiratory diseases. What is the purposes of chest physiotherapy The purpose of chest physiotherapy is: Reduce airway obstruction prevent the accumulation of secretion Enhance gas exchange Promote more efficient breathing patterns Improve cardio pulmonary exercise tolerance. What are the types of chest physiotherapy some types of chest physiotherapy includes: • Chest precautions - Percussion is done forcefully and with a steady beat. Each beat should have a hollow sound. How to do: It is performed over the chest to determine the presence of normal air content in the lungs, and over the abdomen to evaluate air in the loops of the intestine • vibration - Vibration is a technique that gently shakes the mucus so it can move into the larger airways. How to ...